Monday, August 5, 2013

Manic Monday

Not only did I not love having to get up at 5:30am to get my new HIGH SCHOOLER going this morning! ...I also didn't love almost missing the bus with my new MIDDLE SCHOOLER!

Right now they are nestled in their classes. The butterflies have probably settled a bit...

I wasn't able to get a photo of either one of them this morning.... Bad Mom :(

I'll get one after school.  I'm sure Austin will have his bashful, beautiful grin, ear to ear, playing Mr.Cool.  ...and Ethan will walk up to me with his rico-suave, bouncy walk and say "Wa 'sup mama"

Ugh. Miss them already. This summer went by way.way.way.... too fast.  It seems the older we all get, the faster time flies...

I hope that Austin has a wonderful first day
of High school.  I hope he has a chance to meet
 new people that have more in common with him.
I hope that he continues to grow and learn
and that he continues to be such an amazing,
caring, young man <3

I hope that Ethan has a wonderful first day of
Jr.High.  I hope he knocks the socks off all
those teachers with his brilliance! I hope he
continues to be such an amazing, kind-hearted boy <3

As for me... I need to figure out what this new chapter means for me.  The older they get, the less I feel like they need me... therefore making me feel like I have no purpose.  I'm a mom.  That's all I know how to be.  All I can wish for is that they'll always need me <3

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