Friday, March 15, 2013

Random Thoughts for Friday

Grandma's Fig Tree:

Been missing my Nana lately.  There are certain smells and tastes that trigger wonderful memories of the summers I used to spend in Mexico with my Nana.

Something made me remember climbing up the fig tree in her back yard and picking as many figs that I could hold without falling out of the tree.  I'd sit in her kitchen eating them while she'd be at the stove making fresh, homemade, flour tortillas.  *Closing eyes and imagining the smell......*


As a child, the only vacation we'd take every year was to Mexico to visit family.  My dad always made sure we'd get a FULL day at the beach.  We'd go early in the morning and my mom would pack us sodas, water, pan bigote (yummy Mexican breads), and corn chips.  That's all we'd eat all day but I didn't care.

I have joyous memories of being at the beach with my family.  The beach brings me happiness and peace and I love making those kinds of new memories with my sons.  I hope they'll feel the same that I do and I hope they'll be left with wonderful memories once I'm gone.

New Dishes:

So my hubs has been on my case lately about our almost 19yr old dishes.  He said the design is outdated! LOL! Seriously? I'm all self-conscious now about my granny plates.

I thought they were so pretty and colorful when I bought them!

But, plates are plates right?  Really? Does the plate make your food taste better?  Okay so I can see how it might "present" the food better...  Darn, time to go shopping!

This is a recent pic I took of a dish I made.... Is the plate that hideous?

Do I have OCD?

I just realized that I only use the white hangers to hang my clothes.  The boys and my hubs have a mixed mess of colored hangers but when I'm hanging my own clothes... I only choose the white ones.

"Hello, my name is Sasha and I'm a white hanger addict"

Not normal right?

Baubles and boobs:

I was super obsessed with buying a bauble necklace.  I thought, wow what a great (huge) statement necklace right?

Here's the thing... they are so big and heavy, that they drown in my cleavage.  And yes this is a problem.  They get all caught in there and clank against each other and to me they sound like freakin' cow bells.  MOO.

I even modified to make it shorter... but still feels huge.  So there, hangs my pretty bauble necklace... waiting to be worn... someday bauble, someday....

Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend xoxo

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