Friday, April 19, 2013

Random Thoughts for Friday

Summer Vayk 

Summer vacation is fast approaching and there's nothing more I look forward to than spending more time with my boys.  I get so excited that they get so excited about beach time, movie time, swimming time.... sleeeeeeeeping in time.... hehe

Favorite yearly destination?

Puerto Penasco!  a.k.a. Rocky Point, Mexico

We've been going for over 20 years and never have had a problem!  I have endless sunset photos on the beach.  Every one of them is just as beautiful as the last because the sky always looks different.  The clouds "change" the picture... pure bliss...  The food is delicioso and you can rent a condo for pretty cheap!  Best times to go is anytime before end of June and anytime after mid September.

This year my hubs made it possible for us to go to Florida! Last time we went, we spent most of our time in Orlando at Universal Studios so I didn't get many shots of the beach.  But this summer I WILL!

Keeping Organized!

We all know that when your kids are home during vacation, it is nearly impossible to keep the house clean if even for  6 hours!  My boys leave their gadgets, and shoes, and books, and games pretty much all over the house.

Summer vacation will be here in just over 4 weeks so now is the time to get their "Check List" in order.  I'll need to add some stuff to it as they are now a year older and maybe take some of the other one off, ya know... the more obvious ones like brushing their pearly whites!  I call it a check list instead of a chore list because I want them to understand that I'm trying to teach them about daily routines.  These are things that just need to be done on a daily basis.  Chores sound more like a job.  They understand that they won't get paid for everything.  Some things are just expected.  The check list helps me as well as I don't have to continuously remind them what needs to be done.  Instead, all I have to do is say "Check List!!" LOL :)

Here is an example of Ethan's list.
They get printed out once a week and are put on the fridge.
Perfect place where they will see it first thing in the morning! :)

Family Time

Family time has always been important to me.  Yes, by having me be a SAHM we sacrifice not having more money and all kinds of goodies but some things (errr... people better said) are more important to me than all the other material things.  I know eventually the boys will grow up and be on their own and  right now, I want to cherish every second with them.

Funny thing, as I'm writing this, I'm realizing that right now I would be in a theatre, on a "day date" with my hubs.... then happy hour afterwards.  But when I realized that the movie we were going to see is a movie that Austin wanted to watch as well, I couldn't bare the thought of not taking him with us.  Is that bad??? I skipped out on a day date so we can wait for our kids to get out of school! LOL!  Dale and I get a lot of alone time all day long and I miss my boys terribly when they're not home.  I look forward to our time spent together as a family.  We always eat together, we talk to each other, we are huge cuddlers, and just recently, I even gave in to playing Super Mario Bros with Ethan on the WiiU.  Needless to say, my thumbs are sore!

There's an interesting Ted Talk that we saw not too long ago.  If you have about 20 minutes to spare. I recommend you watch this :)

Silly update...

I still have my dishes.


I posted on my last Random thoughts post that Dale said they were outdated.  So... I agreed to sell them at our garage sale a few weeks ago.


They didn't sell.  Guess they are pretty bad.  But.  Even then.  I'm gonna keep them.  They serve their purpose :)

Wishing you all a happy weekend.  Make the best of it and always...  Keep your loved ones close and always... express your appreciation and your love to them.  Sometimes, people just need to hear it! xoxo


  1. I want to see these dishes!!!! LOL

    1. Hi Christine! You can see them on my Red Chicken Enchilada post and on my older "Random Thoughts" post from a few weeks ago. Thanks for reading! :)
