Thursday, April 18, 2013

Boys Will Be Boys...

Ya know those nasty, sorta kinda slimy, sticky hands that kids usually get from birthday parties or places like Amazing Jakes and Peter Piper Pizza... Well Ethan was so lucky (not) to get one.  He soon figured out how hilarious it was to fling it up high and make it hit the ceiling.  The tip of the hand would stick.. then slowly fall back down.  But... a few times later, he wasn't so lucky.

That thing stayed up there for 3 days until I finally asked Dale to figure out how to get it down.  We don't have an "A ladder" and our other ladder is the kind that leans, and well, it wasn't close enough for us to reach over.

Dale has these, somewhat, flexible poles with hooks on the end that he uses for fishing wire through the walls when he's making a cable drop...  geesh... I don't even know if I worded that right.

It took them 30 minutes!!! to get that slimy thing down! Both Austin and Dale took turns but as soon as they'd hook it, it would spring back up and stick to the ceiling again!

If you click the image you can view it larger.

boys will be boys...  :)

So I figured, having boys, I would never have to worry about them taking never-ending showers.  I have nieces and they take foooooor-eva!! 

Well, turns out, my boys take just as long.

ME:  "What the heck are you doing in there?  I can wash my hair, condition, soap up my whole body, and my body is waaaaaay bigger than yours  - and - I shave and I do it all in 8 mins!!!"

Well, I found out why... they've been letting the bathroom get extra steam so they can take turns writing messages to each other... on the mirror...

Apparently, they like chips, salsa and peanuts!  This also explains why the mirror is always such a mess!

boys will be boys...  :)

............. speaking of messes........

Just as any mother knows... you can tell your kids countless times to pick their clothes off the floor.  Hang your towel.  Put your shoes away!

I have to exclude Ethan out of this next comment because, except for the occasional times that he forgets to hang his towel back up... he's usually good about putting his clothes in the hamper.

On the other hand. Austin and Dale's man chips are so strong that they refuse to put things away!

Yup, Dale's towel after his shower.  Should I at least be grateful that it actually made it "by" the hamper?

I really don't know how much easier I can make it? I figured it'd be easy enough having a hamper dedicated to just towels, another for just jeans, another for all colors and another for all whites and then of course Dale has a hamper for all his "do-not-dry" clothes.

HIS side of the closet.....

men will be boys...   >:-[

and MY side... thank ya very much.... 

I hate hoarding clothes.  I donate a bunch every year.  All those empty hangers on the right are how many clothes I donated last month....... and.. ahem.....  I look very forward to filling them back up with new items!

girls will be girls!!! LOL :)

1 comment:

  1. I meant to write "the hangers on the RIGHT side of the closet" :O)
