Thursday, December 13, 2012

Feathers & Chains

Some of you may have heard of a little site called Polyvore.  Can I just say it's EVIL!  It's just as horribly addicting as Pinterest!!  I like looking at the endless photos to try to get some inspiration but some of the photos are so cluttered and overwhelming! I decided to join a while back and make my OWN inspiration photos.  My goal was to post one outfit a day by trying to match my own outfits.  I only chose items that would be in my budget and I am reusing items as if they were in my own closet.  As I purchase new items I search for them on Polyvore and save them to my list.  There are some items that I save that I do not have... you can call it my  "wish list".  Best thing of all is that if an item that you've saved on your list goes on sale, Polyvore will email you and let you know about it!

Ok, so the problem with doing this everyday is, I don't get "dolled" up everyday.  Especially now that my hubs is working from home, it's just the two of us at home while our boys are at school so we're usually in our workout clothes and (embarrassing to admit but...) sometimes, yes, sometimes our jammies!  So.... today I discovered that you can enter contests in Polyvore! There are all kinds of contest groups that you can join and tons of contestants.  The chances of me winning are slim but, what the hey... I joined!

Posted below is the outfit I entered.  The subject was: FEATHERS.  Wow! I wouldn't normally put a feather outfit together but I have to say that I'm digging those feather heels! I am not going to follow my "budget rule" for the contests so I'm sure some of these items are probably a little bit on the pricey side :O)

What do you think of my first entry?  Would you wear this outfit for an event or holiday?

Click on the photo to see some of my other outfits!

Feathers & Chains

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